The Hôpitel in-house Software Development Center's primary mission is to work to develop and expand the boundaries of hospital software applications and technology, engage in research, develop innovative applications and embed and integrate them within the institutions we service to the betterment of the hospital environment and culture. We specifically apply the results of our software products and applications to benefit the patient experience and care givers, in addition to creating a more efficient working environment for staff within the hospital.
The Hôpitel in-house Software Development Center has a team of software programmers and network engineers who support all Hôpitel software applications and have a significant impact in each of the following areas:
Enterprise Services: Hôpitel promotes the successful marketing of interactive and communication technologies and patient rental services through automated software processes designed to increase patient and care giver satisfaction while simultaneously increasing rental revenues and hospital commissions.
Health Education: Hôpitel supports, facilitates, initiates, and encourages the transformation and use of technology and the Health Educational media content hospital-wide; in clinics and from the patient home to enhance the overall Health Educational processes of all patients and to provide an easily accessible network to hospital staff for ongoing health education training purposes.
Point of Care: Hôpitel increases and extends the hospital`s efficiencies as a centre for excellence by providing the conduit and expertise to facilitate Point of Care applications and technologies at bedside. In addition Hôpitel always works closely with the hospital's Information Technology departments to ensure that all of Hôpitel's customized applications work in unison with the hospital's existing computer network infrastructure and meet all of the hopsital’s network standards and requirements.
The Hôpitel Software Development Center will continue to accomplish its missions by offering the hospitals a unique array of technological development, project management, product and application assessments, and commercialization skills.
In conclusion, Hôpitel makes every effort to make available customized software and applications to the Health Care industry via our in-house Software Development Center. This center with its many years of experience in the Healthcare domain works in conjunction with our engineering teams and network of partners to provide the most complete and cost effective Healthcare hardware/software solutions available in the marketplace today, stemming from concept and design to integration and implementation.