Financial Benefits of Using a Hôpitel Self-financing Program
The key benefits of using a Hôpitel Self-Financing Program is that the provision of the service is self-funding, the rental fees collected from patients utilizing the system cover all installation, service and operating costs and there is no substantial involvement by the hospital or its staff. This scenario allows the hospital to continue to focus on its core business, and rest assured that Hôpitel takes care of the Info-Entertainment, Communication Services, Health Education, and other Interactive Hospitality services. Over and above, the hospital can earn a percentage commission of all revenues collected and Hôpitel will pay the hospital these commissions accordingly where it applies based on the specific terms and conditions of the contract taking into account the total capital investment required and the duration of contract for the exclusive right to offer the rental services in the hospital.
Hospital Investment
The Hôpitel Patient Rental Program allows hospitals to offer their patients access to Info-Entertainment, Communication Services, Health Education, and other Interactive Hospitality applications services and an up-to-date patient Media Station system without the need to invest capital in most cases, provide operational management or be involved in the day to day running of the services. The Patient Rental Program is of no cost to the hospital.
Risk of Ownership Resides with Hôpitel
Hôpitel carries the full commercial risks involved in providing the rental and distribution services within the hospital, having at all times public liability insurance and equipment insurance to ensure continuity of service. Hôpitel's responsibilities stem from design, installation, service, staffing to daily operations.
Contributions to Hospital Foundations - Partners in Healthcare Initiative
Hôpitel’s “Partners in Healthcare” initiative is to continually strive to create new and innovative ways of generating additional revenues and increasing efficiencies for Hospitals and their Foundations.
One of most important ways Hôpitel accomplishes this objective is to provide hospitals with self-financing programs for patient Info-Entertainment, Communication Services, Health Education, and other Interactive Hospitality applications.